Help a Great Canine Cause and Go Golfing in Grand Ledge
, 2022-05-26 20:02:33,
Something I’m passionate about is helping animals. I rescued both my cat, Memphis, and my dog, Cece, from the Capital Area Humane Society. I love them both so much, and taking care of them and knowing that I can provide them a home with unconditional love gives me great fulfillment.
If adding a fur baby to your life isn’t in the cards for you at the moment, there are other ways to help.
You can volunteer your time or money to the Capital Area Humane Society and other worthy endeavors; you can donate items like food, blankets, and more; or you could participate in something like this…
The Ledge Meadows Drives for Change Annual Golf Scramble.
Do you like golf? Do you like helping animals? How about animals that help others? That’s exactly what this annual event is all about.
The Ledge Meadows Drives for Change Annual Golf Scramble is put on by Canines for Change. Canines for Change is an organization that strives
to provide the highest quality assistance and skilled companion dogs to children as young as five years old and adults with special needs. We train dogs to assist people with Autism, medical and mobility issues, as well as sensory processing disorders and seizures.
These are the kinds of dogs that have jobs helping people in need.
If you enjoy a game of golf and would like to help out a worthy cause, gather a team of four and get ready to play on Saturday, June 18th at 9 am at the Ledge Meadows Golf Course in Grand Ledge. It costs $320 per team to play, which equals out to $80 per person. That registration fee comes with 18 holes with a cart, range, lunch at the turn, and dinner. Plus, if you’re not too shabby a golfer, there are prizes for longest drive, closest to the pin, and a 50/50 raffle. You can sign up HERE. Have some fun and know you’re doing it to help a…
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