The best disc golf disc – Chicago Tribune
, 2021-07-26 02:00:00,
Disc golf has come a long way since its humble beginnings when players used just one disc to make all the shots. Just like how real golfers use more than one club, disc golfers use different discs for different shots. Because the discs have become specialized, disc golfers need at least three discs to start, so it is best to look at sets of discs made for the game of disc golf instead of buying individual pieces.
This guide will show you the things you need to know to find the disc golf set that best meets your needs. If you’re new to the game of disc golf, you might really like the Innova Disc Golf 3-Pack.
Golf discs are designed to travel long distances with speed, dip and turn. To get the most from any golf disc design, you need to consider the disc golfer’s arm strength and throwing style. You can start by looking at these three skill levels.
Beginner: The best golf discs for those just taking up the sport are the easiest to throw and the easiest to control. Beginners and those who don’t have much arm strength will benefit from lighter-weight golf discs that remain stable at lower speeds. Beginners need only 3 basic discs and should look for golf discs with speed ratings below 8.
Intermediate: The Professional Disc Golf Association says intermediate players have played long enough to have developed a good level of consistency and accuracy. If you are an intermediate disc golfer, look for speeds in the 8-10 range.
Advanced: Players in this bracket can throw very long distances, as far as 400 feet. Advanced players gravitate toward products made by the leading makers of golf discs: Innova and Discraft. Advanced players should look for discs rated at the fastest speeds.
Each disc has its own set of characteristics that affect its grip and performance.
Drivers are the discs you choose when you want to achieve maximum distance. The Professional Disc Golf Association says the average distance achieved by most players is 300-350 feet, longer than a football field.
Mid-range discs have edges that are sharp to cut through the air for faster and more stable flight. Average distances with these discs are around 200-250 feet.
Putters are the slowest discs of these 3 categories. They have the widest and roundest edges. This design reduces their speed but increases their stability, making them the easiest discs to control. Putters are used for the final shot when playing a hole.
Look for sets that include at least one disc in each of the three main categories: putter,…
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