Deer Run Disc Golf Course getting plenty of play but needs maintained
, 2022-08-09 15:01:26,
MILLERSBURG – More than 3,000 rounds of disc golf were recorded in 2021, and more than 1,700 rounds have been recorded so far this year at the Deer Run Disc Golf Course.
Avid players report their scores on an app and that is how the numbers are tracked. However, it only represents a fraction of the players that use the course, as not everyone who plays disc golf uses the app.

Ethan Steiner, vice president of the Holmes County Disc Golf Club shared his report of the high volume of play with Millersburg Council on Monday to give community leaders an update on the status of the course, and to express some concerns about maintenance.
Steiner noted the course is used year-round, and averages about 10 rounds played per day through the summer, and three per day during the winter months, according to statistics from
The course has hosted six tournaments since it opened in the summer of 2020, drawing players from as far as Dayton.
Steiner said the course has earned a 4.4 (out of 5) UDisc rating. There are only two courses within a 50-mile radius of Millersburg that have a higher rating, and eight with 100 miles.
Holmes County Disc Golf Club representative: ‘I think we’ve got a really nice course here.’
“The course is getting a lot of use. It’s not just a few people playing all the time,” he said. “So far this year, we’ve got 198 unique players. There are some people who play multiple times, especially locals, but we also get a lot of people coming in from outside to play.
“In the disc golf community, the course is very well thought of,” he added. “People really enjoy coming in to play. I think we’ve got a really nice course here that is a really good asset for the community.”
Steiner said he has heard from players from New Philadelphia and Massillon who come to Millersburg to play regularly because it is their favorite course.
Despite the positives, Steiner said, it’s unclear who is responsible for maintenance and he questioned the village’s role.
“Last year it went really well, but so far this year, it has only gotten mowed one time,” he said. “Mowing has been done by members of the club using their own private equipment. That includes cleanup from the storm that came through. We cleaned up all the trees that were downed, and we’ve done all the mowing since then.”

Steiner requested the village show its support of the course by adding it to the regular maintenance schedule to be mowed at least once every couple of weeks.
“We don’t ask for high levels of…
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