CHESTER, VT – On May7 the 2023 Chester Disc Golf League (CDGL) tournaments was hosted at the course on Lovers Lane at the Pinnacle recreation area, a historical local treasure maintained by a dedicated group of volunteers.
Echoes of the ski trails dating back to peak popularity in 1937 still remain laying the foundation for the swerving course that lives on the memories of the rope tow that ran for almost a decade dating back to 1972.
The 18-hole course, established in 2016, has been maintained physically and financially by local volunteers keeping the ground clear of blowdown from the forest canape as it spans around the crest of the mountain.
The rocky course with its well-maintained tees at each hole has baskets anchored and markers that direct players through the three-hour course. The course has players logged in the guestbook from all along the eastern seaboard with some traveling from Florida and West Virginia and as far west as California.
The unique element of the Chester course is the mountain terrain. It’s a steep course with less flat terrain than the other local courses such as the Grafton, VT, disc golf course.
The rolling course grade of an up and down winding trail through the forest is scenic yet demanding.
The assessment of the terrain on the pinnacle course is as important for throwers as wind, distance and the position of throwing are all factors in each shot.
The CDGC 2023 spring singles tournament runs from May 4th to October 26th with a league championship the following weekend.
The 29-member league is a mix of pro, advanced, intermediate and new golfers.
The established league members welcome the beginners and guide them through the trail, helping them choose weight, thickness and shape for each throw.
Just beyond the first hole, what was once the warming shack for skiers for 50 years, restored as a stopping point for trekkers, is where the incline starts intensifying into the woods.
The course leads around the shoulders of the mountain leading to a clearing in the course that overlooks the baseball field leading back into a hairpin walk that ends back at the warming hut.
Vermont ranks 37 in the United States with 19 courses with the CDGC ranked as number seven in the nation for ideal competition.
According to Joseph, two courses at Smugglers Notch are rated 6 and 8 best in the world.