Golf Biometrics Academy revolutionizes health protection in Golf
ENGELSBRAND, Germany, May 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Professor Dr. Hans Eberspächer, a psychologist, Dr. Dietmar Göbel, an orthopaedic specialist, Andrea and Frank Drollinger, experts in biomechanics, movement control and didactics, have developed a new golf biomechanics method that has been scientifically proven to be healthy.
Dr. Hans Eberspächer: “They don’t know what, when, where, how far, how fast, in which direction and in which order to move when using the old shear method. We call this situation blind hitting or random biomechanics. In addition, almost all golfers, from children to tour players, suffer painful injuries.”
This new method is defined in writing, can be understood by the student and produces free release, which means swinging without encountering physical resistance.
The learning process is much quicker and easier than with the old unstructured, incomprehensible shearing method, the ball speed is significantly higher from the very first minute as there are no braking shearing forces and the error rate is significantly reduced by controlling the movements.
The developers of the new method are now training doctors and physiotherapists, golf teachers, athletic trainers, personal trainers, osteopaths, mental trainers, as well as beginners, children and tour players in golf on this new method in over 80 professional training courses and are certifying orthopaedic hospitals and golf courses as well as officials for really healthy golfing.
The 10 major advantages are
- Extremely fast learning progress
- Continuous improvement process with better radar values
- Fewer errors
- More power
- Get off the course healthy, as it has been scientifically proven to be healthy several times over
- Immediate promotion and improvement of your own health
- More fun with the game and success
- Sensible training, effective training
- Less but targeted athletic training
- Improve mental strength and self-confidence
Intensive professional training courses last two days.
Children, adults and tour players need three days of 3 lessons to upgrade.
The Core Balance Free Release Method Drollinger provides absolute credibility and growth in golf.
Frank Drollinger
Phone: +497235980300
Hotline: +4915123474010
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SOURCE Golf Biometrics Academy