Neeley, Weaver, and Mays respond to voters’ questions at Mott Park forum
, 2022-07-26 11:34:11,
By Paul Rozycki
With a forum that could have been titled “Two Mayors and Mays,” incumbent Mayor Sheldon Neeley, former Mayor Karen Weaver, and city council member Eric Mays responded to questions from a standing-room-only audience of Mott Park residents for more than an hour and a half on Monday evening.
In the park-like setting of the Mott Park Disc Golf Course, each laid out their visions for the city and their accomplishments in city government.
The event was sponsored by the Mott Park Neighborhood Association and gave the neighborhood residents a chance to listen to the three mayoral candidates competing in the Aug. 2 primary. The top two candidates will move on to the November election.
Opening remarks
In their opening remarks each candidate gave some of the reasons they were running for mayor.
Eric Mays said he was “running a different kind of campaign” where he had no campaign literature, no yard signs and accepted no campaign contributions, but was relying on a “word of mouth” campaign to support his candidacy. He said his priorities were reducing crime, aiding economic development, and fighting blight.
Incumbent Mayor Sheldon Neeley listed his major accomplishments as creating a sound balanced budget for the city, ending the deficit, and economic growth, during his administration. He pointed to the new Chevy in the Hole State Park, the revitalization of the Mott Park Golf course, and development efforts with the old Buick City area as examples of his success.
Former Mayor Karen Weaver said that during her time as mayor, she brought back home rule as the emergency manager ended. She pointed out she dealt with the water crisis and began the process of replacing the lead pipes in the city. She also said the crime rate was lower and that Flint was no longer on the list of the top 25 cities for crime during her tenure.
Unlike many candidate forums, this one was not a debate format, but gave each candidate an…
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