Shane Gunnoe calls for time of healing and renewal in Dover
, 2022-05-17 12:54:52,
DOVER — During his time as the city’s interim mayor, Shane Gunnoe has pledged to try to make things in Dover a little better than the way he found them.
Gunnoe, who was appointed to the position Friday by Tuscarawas County Probate Judge Adam Wilgus, attended his first meeting of city council Monday as Dover’s new leader.
More:Dover City Council President Shane Gunnoe chosen as interim mayor
More:Six candidates apply for position as Dover’s interim mayor
Mayor Richard Homrighausen has been suspended from office by a special commission of the Ohio Supreme Court until he stands trial on theft in office charges. Gunnoe will serve as interim mayor until the case is resolved. He has taken a leave of absence from his full-time job.
As Gunnoe stood up to give his first mayor’s report, he received applause from those present at the meeting.
“I realize our city government has undergone some unusual and difficult times,” he said. “Although my position as interim mayor is a temporary one, I pledge to make the most of whatever time I may have in this position to stabilize city government, improve our city administration and move Dover forward.
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