Disc golf comes to Ragsdale | Jamestown News
, 2022-10-12 02:00:00,
Andy Oldham, Ragsdale band director, not only suggested creating a disc golf course at the school, he raised funds, cut trees, recruited help and installed baskets to make it happen.
Since the 1970s when disc golf was first formalized, it has steadily increased in popularity. Today, the Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA) sanctions over 3,500 events annually and has an active membership base of more than 80,000 competitive disc golfers from 47 nations around the world.
But when Andy Oldham’s brother Ryan introduced him to disc golf, Oldham realized there was more to it than competition. It was a fun sport that could be enjoy by all ages. The Ragsdale High School band director began to wonder if the sport could be used at his school to get students outside in the fresh air and woods.
Oldham, along with fellow teachers Erik Cobb and Karl Rahn, checked out the wooded area behind Ragsdale and felt it could be a good place for a disc golf course.

Several students gathered along the wooded trails to help install the disc baskets.
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