UMD outdoor gear rental center open to everyone – Duluth News Tribune
, 2023-01-06 07:30:00,
DULUTH — Let’s say you want to try cross-country skiing but don’t have the cash to buy all the gear. Or maybe you want to get your “Verified Minnesotan” certification by finally going ice fishing for the first time, but have no idea what you need?
The University of Minnesota Duluth Recreational Sports Outdoor Program Rental Center has all of the stuff you need for outdoor winter fun, and much more, and at reasonable rental rates.
It’s a great way to try new activities outdoors, or maybe do something just once a season, when buying gear just doesn’t make sense.
Patrick Kohlin, marketing director of the UMD outdoor program, said many Northlanders may not realize the campus rental center has always been open to the public, not just to UMD students. (UMD students who have memberships to the Recreational Sports Outdoor Program get a discount on all the gear.)
“Cross-country skis are our most popular item,” Kohlin told the News Tribune.

Bob King / 2013 file / Duluth News Tribune
For winter fun — in addition to classic, skating, backcountry and telemark skis, ice augers and fishing gear — the center also offers snowshoes, ice skates, sleds, tents, winter camping gear, ice climbing gear and even fat tire bikes.
Prices range from $15 per day for a ski package to $5 for skates and $12 for snowshoes, with winter-ready fat bikes offered at $38 per day.
Here’s how to get geared up:
- Call the rental center at 218-726-6134 ready with information on what you would like to rent and with a credit card handy. If you are unsure, their outdoor experts can help you figure out what you need. If no staff answers, leave a message or call back later.
- Stop by the rental center in person. Full rental amount is due at the time of reservation. Cancellations greater than 48 hours in advance will receive a credit on your RSOP account. No refund for cancellations with less than 48 hours notice.
- Pick up your gear at the…
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