Your guide to what’s on during the April school holidays • Glam Adelaide
, 2023-04-12 12:44:11,
It’s hard to believe that the April school holidays are upon us.
To save you from the stress, we’ve put together a handy guide of seasonal events that are on offer during these approaching school holidays so you can avoid those dreaded ‘I’m bored’ complaints.
Keep the kids happy with some of these incredible and unique events across Adelaide!
RELICS: A New World Rises Exhibition
Creating a journey through an imagined future, 11 large-scale LEGO® models made from hundreds of
thousands of the popular building bricks will make their world premiere this month for the RELICS: A New World Rises exhibition at the South Australian Museum.
Set in the year 2530, long after the world has been abandoned by humans, the exhibition takes visitors to a world where LEGO® mini figures have risen from the debris to build intricate civilisations in discarded and forgotten objects once inhabited or used by humans, reminding us of the impact that we have had on our environment.
Where: South Australian Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide
Duration: Approx 1 hour
Find out more here.
Karen’s Diner Kids Club

Ah yes, Karen’s Diner… an infamous, not-so kid-friendly foodie joint that has built its business upon rude staff, handmade burgers and fantastic cocktails.
For just $25 per whinge-bag, parents can get the little snot balls off their back for an hour and a half as Karen takes over! There will be plenty of fun and games as well as a burger and fries included, a Karen’s Diner insult hat and most importantly, they will be taught how to be a real Karen, so really the parents are in for a treat when they get home!
Where: Karens Diner, 6 East Terrace, Adelaide
Duration: 90 minutes
Find out more here.
Australian Company of Performing Arts’ Holiday Programs

ACAP has three fun holiday workshops to choose from: Beatz n Bros, Glow Party and Teddy Bear Picnic!
Beatz n Bro is a 3 hour all boys holiday workshop program that includes Hip Hop, Break Dance, Percussion, Games, Snacks and even a mini performance for the parents at the end.
The Teddy Bear Picnic starts with all the wonderful guests and their favourite teddy seated at the…
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