DeFuniak Springs City Council announces top candidates for city manager position – The Defuniak Herald & Beach Breeze
, 2023-01-11 08:41:18,

The DeFuniak City Council held its regular meeting on Jan. 9, 2023, at the Walton County Courthouse. Council member Josh Sconiers was absent.
A proclamation was made honoring the 135th Anniversary of the Walton-DeFuniak Library. It was formally opened on Dec. 20, 1887, as a result of the efforts of the Ladies Library Association and Alice Fellows was the first paid librarian.
The consent agenda contains as follows:
• Phase III request for bids for the Chautauqua Hall of Brotherhood: Preservation, Restoration, Rehabilitation – RFP 2022-1-GR was originally approved on November 28, 2022. The solicitation for Professional Architectural Services closed on December 28, but no bids were received. An extension was received from the Department of Historical Resources to have a firm selected and a contract entered into by January 31, 2023. Re-advertising the solicitation for Jan. 4 to Jan. 19 was approved.
• Eglin Federal Credit Union (EFCU) submitted a site plan for a development on the SW corner of 24th Street and US Highway 90 West. EFCU has agreed to provide a 20’ easement on the north edge of their property to the City for future use.
• Main Street DeFuniak Springs’ Food Truck Fridays will be hosting outdoor events on Baldwin Avenue from South 9th Street to South 10th Street allowing food trucks to park and sell food on city right-of-way. One Friday a month beginning on January 27, 2023, and continuing until October 27, 2023.
• Leprechaun Launch Special Event Application. Club Funk is hosting a two (2) week disc golf course for citizen’s’ enjoyment and a 1-day disc golf tournament at Chipley Park on Saturday, 3/18/2023, from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
• The Chili & Cars Food Festival will be an outdoor event to support the mission of the Boys & Girls Clubs on Baldwin Avenue from South 7th Street to South 8th Street on Saturday, 2/11/2023. No charge for participating cook teams and attendees pay a per person ticket price and $60 per vehicle.
• The 10th Annual Black History Parade lineup registration will be on Baldwin Avenue (Baldwin Avenue & South 20th Street), start at Baldwin Avenue (Baldwin Avenue & South 10th Street), and end at the Tivoli Complex on Saturday, 2/18/2023, hosted by Walton County Democratic Black Caucus.
• Forward DeFuniak’s 3rd Annual Sprint Triathlon sporting event is scheduled for Saturday, 5/6/2023, from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. There…
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