
Reaper Disc Supply Brings International Disc Golf Brands to
, 2023-04-14 02:00:00,

Where to find disc golf courses, play in Horry County, SC
, 2023-02-20 02:00:00,
Chris Kies launches a disc from a tee pad at Myrtle Beach’s Splinter City on Wednesday. Disc golfers play at Splinter City, an 18 hole park in the Market Common District of Myrtle Beach, S.C.. February 15, 2023.
The Myrtle Beach area offers a wide range of activities for people who enjoy spending time outside, and disc golf is one of them.
Disc golf is a cross between golf and Frisbee — it includes throwing a plastic disc into a basket, which sits on a pole placed into the ground. The object of the game is to get the disc into the basket in the fewest amount of throws, like golf.
Christopher Chapman, who owns disc golf pro shop Teddy Peddler, said the only thing you need to start is a disc. He added that they are relatively cheap and range in price from $10 to $20 depending on the quality,
He said as a player’s interest and skill grows, they might buy accessories, which he sells at his standalone store on South Kings Highway in Myrtle Beach. Chapman’s business has been open since March 2021.
Bags, disc retrievers and custom apparel at Teddy Peddler might interest guests looking to invest in their game.
Richard Floore started a weekly meetup for disc golfers called “Jesus and Disc Golf” to meet new people and share his faith as he plans to start a church.
“I started playing disc golf to meet people and as I met people, I saw there was a a lot of need to hear about Jesus and a lot of openness,” he said. “It just seemed like a good fit to invite them to a Bible study, tell hem about Jesus and play some disc golf.”
Floore, who used to be a youth pastor, said he sort of stumbled upon the sport 15 years ago but has been playing regularly since last January.
“There are hundreds of people I have met over the past year, and a lot of people come from out of town,” Floore said.
He said they meet every Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. and…
To read the original article from www.myrtlebeachonline.com, Click here

Upcoming events in the Danville area
, 2023-03-16 05:30:00,
Because this section is free of charge, community events are subject to run based on available space. Religion items are published on the Saturday church page. Email events to news@registerbee.com.
ADULT ARTS AND CRAFTS: Let creativity shine to create a cute craft or inspiring art piece from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Ruby B. Archie Library auditorium. Ages 18 and up. No fee. Registration is required by calling, 434-799-5195.
FAMILY GAME NIGHTS: Relax with family and come out for a fun night of board games, sports and outdoor games at Coates Recreation Center from 5:30 to 7 p.m. No fee. Registration required by calling, 434-799-5150. Sponsored by Parks and Recreation.
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CARS & COFFEE: Old Dominion Classic Sports Car Club will hold Cars & Coffee from 9 to 11 a.m. at Crema & Vine, 1009 Main St. For more information, call 434-548-9862.
JAPANESE CULTURAL EVENT: George Washington High School Japanese class and club will host the third annual Japan Day free event in the GW auditorium from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be Kendo, Taiko Drumming, a tea ceremony, prizes and more. Register online at https://tinyurl.com/yse2tj2z.
CLASSIC MOVIE CLUB: Enjoy a classic movie with discussion following at the Ruby B. Archie Library auditorium from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. “The Adventure of Robin Hood” (1938) for ages 18 and up. Registration required by calling, 434-799-5195. No fee.
ARCHERY 101 WORKSHOP: Learn the basic safety, anchor points, draw and release, care of equipment and essential safety skills with a USA Archery certified instructor for ages 5 to 17 at Coates Recreation Center from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Cost is $12. Registration required by calling, 434-799-5150.
HOMESTEADING 101: Learn from local homesteaders Ben and Amber Martin at Glenwood Community Center from 10 a.m. to noon. No fee. For ages 5 and up; registration is required a week prior.
PRESSURE CANNER LID TESTING: Virginia Cooperative Extensive Office, 19783 U.S. 29 South, Suite C, Chatham, will check pressure cooker lid and gauge used for canning at no cost from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For information, call 434-432-7770.
To read the original article from godanriver.com, Click here

Bid to boost regional sport in SA as volunteer and participation numbers drop
, 2023-01-24 22:40:31,
Tony Elletson believes South Australia’s Limestone Coast can be the best regional area in Australia for producing elite athletes.
Through the Limestone Coast Sporting Academy, he trains young people in the region to compete in their sports alongside the best in the state and country.
But he knows local grassroots sport is the starting ground for everyone, from AFL stars to Olympic competitors.
“We have a look at areas like Ballarat and Wagga Wagga, they’ve got a huge history of producing Australian competitors, whether it be cricket, footy or whatever,” he said.
“The key to having any higher level success is making sure you’ve got a strong base.”
Like many regional areas in Australia, local sport has taken a hit as people live busier lives and player and volunteer numbers drop, with a study last year finding volunteering hours had dropped 19 per cent nationwide.
The sporting academy in the state’s south-east is set to launch a $300,000 investigation into local sport to find the best ways to promote top athletes.
Mr Elletson said finding ways to strengthen sport at the grassroots level was vital to the future of local athletes.
“I think even before COVID we were probably struggling with young people between 14 and 20 where they drop out, start looking for jobs and travel to Adelaide for university,” he said.
“There’s a lot of other…
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Red Hills Disc Golf group hosts first bag tag event of 2023 | News
, 2023-01-10 10:43:00,
Last Saturday, the Red Hill Disc Golf group held their first bag tag event of the year, welcoming over twenty people to MacIntyre Park to enjoy a casual and fun competitive experience.
Gavin Wilson, one of the organizers for the event, said that he just wanted to get more people out and playing disc golf and the event was to get people into the spirit of playing disc golf throughout the week between weekend meet ups.
“We’re just trying to get people out and playing disc golf more,” he said. “That’s really the bottom line of it. I mean, it’s just a fun way to make it competitive. It really wasn’t a traditional tournament, like the one we’ll have later in the year.”
Wilson explained that a bag tag represents a players ranking among other locals in Thomasville.
Wilson said the tag number each player received was based off Saturday’s competition, with Pearce Fussell taking home first place and the #1 tag.
“This was just the first one,” he said. “So, no one has a tag yet. However you finished this past Saturday is what you got. The person who won came in first so they got the #1 tag, the person in second got the #2 tag.”
Those with their own tags can challenge other disc golf players for their tags, Wilson said, with the winner taking the higher tag between them, which said adds a bit of fun to the casual games.
“It’s just for fun, it’s not insanely seriously, but it does add a little added pressure or added fun to it, you know?” Wilson said. “It’s just a plastic tag is what it is, it just adds so much more to a casual round, which is what we’re doing honestly.”
With a total of 24 locals involved on Saturday, Wilson said that it was a pretty good turnout from the consistently involved people in the community.
“We had 24 out there Saturday,” he said. “It’s around 30 people that usually meet up on Saturdays.”
Wilson said that those interested in disc golf, similar to regular golf, but revolving around throwing a disc into the goal with the fewest throws, could show up at MacIntyre Park on Saturdays around 9:00 a.m., saying that he’d be there January 21 to help get them set up with their own tags.
“I can set ‘em up on all that stuff,” Wilson said.
Disc golf, he said, was a great way to meet people, old and new,…
To read the original article from news.google.com, Click here

Community Voices: Resolve to get started toward prioritizing your mental, physical health | Community Voices
, 2023-01-09 02:15:00,
Every year, for weeks leading up to the New Year and long into January, I find myself contemplating the practice of setting a New Year’s resolution. Usually, this tradition involves making a firm decision to change yourself one way or another, usually for the better. We’re often encouraged to make multiple ambitious benchmarks and our wellness or our ability to improve our habits are usually a target. We chide both ourselves and others if we don’t measure up.
By the end of January, most of us will have abandoned our resolutions all together. Generally, it’s good to set goals and I believe the New Year is a wonderful moment to reflect on the importance of taking care of ourselves.
To read the original article from news.google.com, Click here
Crandall Park disc golf reported popular by park beneficiary committee
, 2023-01-08 18:00:00,
GLENS FALLS — The disc golf course at Crandall Park has been used substantially in the past year, according to the 2022 annual report issued by Jaimen Hume.
Hume is a professional disc golfer who designed the course with Jon Hotmer in November 2020. Hume is also a member of the disc golf course subcommittee and supplied the statistics of course usage to the Crandall Park Beautification Committee via email.
The popularity of the course has been measured by the smartphone app Udisc. It helps disc golfers keep track of scorekeeping, statistics and allows for discovery of new courses.App developers told Hume that the rounds played that are logged using the app accounted for about 20% of rounds, or plays, on the course.
“Crandall Park finished out the year at 5,605 plays, up from 4,063 last year, on Udisc. The app developers guess that 20% of players use the app, so that number is theoretically at 28,025 plays! That’s an astounding number and a ton of usage of the park,” Hume said in an email.
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Between the…
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Urbandale teen is disc golf rising star | Iowa
, 2023-01-01 00:01:00,
URBANDALE, Iowa (AP) — The sun was starting to set on a warm November day as Gannon Buhr walked off the disc golf course at Urbandale’s Waterford Park. Buhr stops when a man walking a dog notices him.
“Great season this year,” the man yells to Buhr, who was out trying some new discs.
He didn’t know the fan, but these interactions on the disc golf course are common for Buhr, one of the sport’s top players in the world. He can stroll in and out of most places around Iowa and go unrecognized. But the second he steps on a course, it seems everyone knows him.
“It’s cool to a certain extent,” Buhr told the Des Moines Register. “Sometimes I just want to go out and practice myself and tune the world out.”
At age 17, the Urbandale resident and Waukee Northwest High School student racked up nearly $90,000 in prize money in 2022 and tallied a victory in one of the sport’s top events. After quickly rising to fame, he could be even better next year. That’s why he’s one of the Des Moines Register’s People to Watch for 2023.
“I think it’ll be very big because people are looking for him to prove that he is actually that good and it wasn’t just a fluke,” said disc golf star Will Schusterick.
Buhr played flag football, was a pitcher in baseball, tried basketball and even played golf, with a regular club and a small ball.
But none of those sports stuck with him. Disc golf did. He got into it when he was around 9 years old by using a disc golf basket in his neighbor’s yard.
Disc golf offered him something most of those other sports didn’t. Buhr had complete control of his results and didn’t need to rely on teammates to get him the ball, force a stop or make a big play. Buhr was the entire team.
The sport requires participants to throw discs, smaller than frisbees, into a basket in as few tries as possible. It requires precision, focus and coordination. But it’s also accessible to people of all ages and many physical abilities.
And it has become increasingly popular. According to UDisc, which helps players find the often-free courses, the number of courses in the U.S. has grown from a few hundred a few decades ago to more than 9,000 today. Travel Iowa says the state has more than 300 courses and nearly 100 tournaments, making it, potentially, “the amateur disc golf capital of the world.”
Buhr traded his…
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How Emporia became king of the Disc Golf world | Gaz
, 2022-12-31 10:00:00,
Do you ever wonder how a small town or city becomes renowned for something that has achieved mainstream status? Like Roswell and aliens, Kitty Hawk and airplanes, Williamsport and Little League Baseball, Emporia and disc golf? If you’re an Emporian, you already know the city has staked its claim to this wildly popular sport.
Disc golf has manifested in many ways in Emporia/Lyon County. The city has hosted the disc golf world championships, boasts the largest disc golf retail store in the world, offers several disc golf courses and the Emporia State University men’s team is ranked No. 1 in the nation. Enough proof? UDisc, a disc golf resource website, ranked Emporia as the top disc golf small town in the country.
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